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Un recuerdo de las torrijas durante Semana Santa cuando tenía 13 años, fue mi primera visita a Sevilla 🙂  (A memory of ‘torrijas’ during Holy Week when I was 13, it was my first visit to Seville).  

Credit: The Culture Trip

This dessert became popular in the Middle Ages when it was commonly eaten during Lent and is today made during Easter celebrations.  I learnt how to make these delicious treats whilst staying with my Spanish friend:  huevos, pan, vino blanco, aceite de oliva, miel (eggs, bread, white wine, olive oil, honey) – a light, eggy bread gently fried in olive oil drenched in honey ¡Ay que rico!

Read more about the history of this Spanish treat here:

Why not practice your Spanish and watch this short video from Pepe Tabero on how to make Torrijas Sevillanas: